Friday, April 9, 2010

Get Out of Speeding Ticket

Need to get out of speeding ticket? The best way to get out of a speeding ticket is not to get one! When you are pulled over try to go for the warning first, if that fails you're still not out of luck.

There are a couple key things to avoid when you are pulled over.

Don't act like a jerk

This will only work against you! Do not deny any wrong doing on the road, you will not convince them. Avoid name dropping and threats about an officer's job - this is never a good idea. Don't offer excuses unless you have an emergency in the passenger seat (if you do ask for an escort and they will usually provide one!). Be sure to address the officer by "Officer" or "Sir" to show respect and act calm, displaying common sense.

Don't get yourself in trouble

Avoid directly admitting guilt; the office can use your admission of guilt in court! It's ok to act confused about what you did wrong if you are backed into a corner. You may need to act dumb to minimize what you say out loud. (It's not illegal to be stupid!) Say as little as possible and respond with "Yes Officer" and "No Officer" when possible.

Play the PITY card!

Act scared! Like getting a ticket will destroy your life! They may feel bad for you and let you off easy. If you are a cute girl, go for the cry if you can pull it off. It just might work! If you are a teenager, distressed remarks about how your parents will totally kill you is never a bad idea regardless of how true it is.

Pull over well

Pull over to the right side of the road in a safe and traffic-free area in a slow and predictable way and end any cell conversations. Discard any lit cigarettes and be sure to discard inside the vehicle to avoid a littering charge (In some states you are responsible for damages arising from fires started by disposing a lit cigarette via littering). Turn off the car and any music and roll down the driver-side window. Have your documentation ready and keep your seatbelt buckled to avoid seatbelt fines. Follow any commands issued over the loud speaker in a calm and responsive manner without having the officer repeat himself.

Keeping these tips in mind might keep you out of court and help you get out of speeding ticket!

See Also : Insurance, Auto Insurance Blog Hipmore Buy life insurance

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